Saturday, May 25, 2013

Traffic shool test answers

Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
1. Drivers exercise judgment and skill when they are behind the wheel. Of these two capabilities, driving skill is by far the most important.
a. True
b. False
Wrong! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: C
2. When driving, you should attempt to scan 20-30 seconds ahead of your vehicle. If you are traveling at highway speeds, 50, 60, or 70 miles per hour, you will travel about one mile per minute. Therefore, you should be scanning about how far ahead:
a. About 100 feet
b. About 500 feet                                     
c. About 1/2 mile
d. About 1 mile

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
3. To properly scan 20-30 seconds ahead, you should scan this entire distance ahead of your vehicle. As you scan ahead, you should:
a. Identify situations, vehicles, or objects that could cause a problem by the time they reach the mid-point of your scanning distance about 15 seconds ahead of your vehicle.
b. Be particularly alert for immediate hazards that may present themselves in the area that is 2-5 seconds ahead of your vehicle.
c. Delay taking defensive actions such as slowing or changing lanes until the situation, vehicle or object ahead is 2-5 seconds ahead of your vehicle.
d. Both a. and b. above

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
4. Proper scanning of the roadway provides time for the driver to adjust speed and path to avoid dangerous situations. Which of the following is/are true?
a. To accomplish proper scanning, look 20 to 30 seconds ahead and to the sides and rear to identify potentially dangerous situations
b. Drivers should adopt a mindset that says the driver approaching the intersection from the left or right may not stop at the traffic signal
c. If scanning ahead identifies a potential danger, you must take action to avoid a crash
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
5. The SIPDE process includes the following steps: Squinting, Influencing, Protecting, Driving, and Escaping.
a. True
b. False
Wrong! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: D
6. Which of the following is/are true?
a. It takes about 1/2 to 3/4 of a second to scan ahead, identify potential hazards, predict the actions that others may take, and to decide what to do.
b. Once you have decided to initiate braking, it takes about 1/2 to 3/4 of a second to move your foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal.
c. All together is takes about a second to a second and a half to initiate braking and to start slowing your vehicle.
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
7. In addition to being aware of your surroundings, Florida law requires that you use your turn signals to let others near you know if you plan to turn or change lanes.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
8. Which of the following is/are true?
a. You must always check for vehicles in your blind spot before you change lanes
b. You must work to stay out of the blind spots of other vehicles.
c. Do not trust that the drivers near you will check their blind spots before changing lanes.
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
1. If you are following 3-4 seconds behind the vehicle ahead at night, and you are traveling at highway speeds, your low beam lights will illuminate about half of the distance between you and the vehicle you are following.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
2. Slow down and use extreme caution when it first starts raining as roads are most slippery as the rain initially mixes with oil and dirt on the roadway
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: C
3. You have anti-lock brakes and are making an emergency stop, if you feel a pulsing in the brake pedal you should do which of the following:
a. Take your foot off the brake pedal
b. Start pumping the brake pedal
c. Leave your foot on the brake and do not reduce pressure
d. Reduce braking pressure

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
4. Hydroplaning can occur with little warning and can result in an almost instantaneous spin. If instead of spinning out of control, your vehicle starts moving slightly from side to side, you are just starting to hydroplane. If this occurs, ease your foot off the accelerator so your vehicle will decelerate.
a. True
b. False
Wrong! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: D
5. If your rear wheels start skidding to the left, you should:
a. Steer left toward the direction of the skid
b. Steer in the direction you want the front of the vehicle to go which will be back to the left
c. As soon as you feel the car start to respond and align itself, steer straight ahead
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
6. Which of the following is true?
a. If you must drive in rain, fog or smoke, turn on your high beam headlights
b. When driving between sunset and sunrise use parking lights
c. If driving in heavy rain, turn on your hazard lights.
d. If driving at night or in the rain, increase your following distance.

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
7. If you are unable to see well enough to drive safely due to smoke and fog, pull all the way off the pavement and stop and turn on your emergency flashers to indicate that you have stopped.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
8. Which of the following emergency responses is/are recommended?
a. If a tire fails/blows out, avoid using brakes, concentrate on steering, and slow gradually
b. If you experience a jammed gas pedal, shifting into neutral will permit you to stop.
c. If brakes fail, you can attempt to stop your vehicle by using your emergency brake.
d. All of the above

Wrong! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: D
9. If you lose your brakes you can attempt to stop your vehicle by using your emergency brake. If using your emergency brake to stop your vehicle, you should consider the following:
a. Remember that the emergency brake is not an anti-lock braking system
b. If you apply the emergency brake too aggressively, you will lock up your rear wheels and will go into a skid.
c. If possible, press the emergency brake release button or pull the emergency brake release lever when applying the parking/emergency brake in an emergency as this will give you more control of the emergency brake system and will permit you to quickly release and reapply the emergency brake if a skid occurs
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
10. If your right wheels go off the right side of the pavement:
a. Immediately turn sharply to the left
b. Immediately brake firmly
c. If the shoulder is much lower than the pavement, immediately turn hard to the left.
d. None of the above

Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
11. If you experience a jammed gas pedal when traveling at highway speeds, immediately turn off the ignition.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
1. Your driver license will be canceled if you do not complete a driver improvement course after being cited for running a red light.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
2. Your driver license can be suspended, or temporarily withdrawn, if you are arrested for DUI, or refuse a DUI test, or earn too many points on your driving record.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: C
3. Which of the following offenses scores the most points against your driving record?
a. Not stopping at a stop sign
b. Following too close
c. Unlawful speed resulting in a crash
d. Littering

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
4. After receiving a moving violation, you may elect to attend an approved four-hour basic driver improvement course to remove the points associated with the traffic ticket. You may not elect to attend if you:
a. Have previously elected to attend a course within the previous 12 months
b. Have previously elected five times
c. Have a commercial driver license (CDL)
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
5. Racing and reckless driving are criminal offenses.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
6. If you are driving in a business or residential area and there are no posted speed limits, you may drive no faster than 30 miles per hour unless the county or municipality has a lower speed limit for non-posted areas.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: C
7. If the posted interstate speed limit is 70 miles per hour, you must maintain a speed of at least ______ miles per hour unless driving conditions do not permit safely driving at that minimum speed.
a. 30 mph
b. 40 mph
c. 50 mph
d. None of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
8. If you are turning to the left, the law permits you to turn into any open lane if there are two or more lanes of traffic moving in the direction of your turn.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
9. As you approach an intersection, the traffic signal changes from green to yellow, which of the following is/are true?
a. You have the right of way, proceed with confidence that others will stay clear and not turn or move in front of you
b. Do not enter the intersection if you can safely stop without driving through it
c. Accelerate to get into the intersection before the light changes to red
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
10. Red signs are used for stop and do not enter signs and yellow signs are used to warn of hazards ahead.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
1. You must follow posted school zone speed limits if:
a. There is a flashing red light as you enter the school zone
b. You are in the school zone during the time period specified on the speed limit sign in the school zone
c. There is a flashing yellow light announcing that the school zone speed limit is in force
d. Both b. and c. above

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
2. White lines on the pavement that are parallel to the flow of traffic separate traffic going in same direction. Which of the following is/are true?
a. Broken white lines may be crossed when you change lanes
b. Solid white lines are used to mark the right edge of the pavement
c. Solid white lines are used to indicate that you should stay in your lane as you are entering an area where leaving your lane could cause a hazard
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
3. If you are approaching a stopped school bus displaying stop signals, which of the following is/are true?
a. All drivers approaching from the rear (moving in the same direction) must stop
b. If you are approaching from the opposite direction, you must stop unless you are on a divided highway (raised median, barrier or unpaved space of at least 5 feet separating opposite direction traffic)
c. If you are approaching from the opposite direction, you must stop if you are traveling on a four lane road with double yellow lines separating opposite direction traffic as double yellow lines are not considered to be barriers.
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
4. If you are following behind a fire truck or apparatus that is responding to a fire, stay at least ____ feet behind that vehicle.
a. 50
b. 75
c. 100
d. 500

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
5. If an emergency vehicle is parked along the edge of the roadway with emergency lights flashing drivers must move over as soon as safely possible if the road has two or more lanes going in the same direction. If it is not safe to move over or if on a two lane road with a speed limit of 25 mph or higher, slow to 20mph below the speed limit.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
6. Low beam lights illuminate objects 150 feet ahead of your vehicle while high beams illuminate objects 450 feet ahead.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
7. If you park on an inclined road with a curb next to your vehicle, you must turn your front wheels so they will catch the curb and stop your vehicle if your emergency brake and transmission fail and your vehicle starts rolling down the incline.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: C
8. Which of the following is/are true?
a. It is legal to tint the entire front windshield on your vehicle but there are limits on how dark the tinting can be
b. There are no limits on how dark you can tint the side windows on your vehicle
c. You may completely cover the rear window as long as you have side mirrors on both sides of your vehicle
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
9. No person can operate a vehicle that generates excessive sounds. Also, it is illegal to operate radios, tape players, or other sound making devices so they can be heard from a distance of _____ feet.
a. 25
b. 50
c. 75
d. 100

Exam Questions Analysis

CONGRATULATIONS! You have passed the exam!
You answered 34 of 40 questions correctly, scoring a 85 percent.
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First Name      DONALD
Middle Name 
Last Name       SAINTERVIL
License Number          S536180844420
License State   FL
Citation Number         6626GKY
County where
citation issued LEE
Date of Birth   12/02/1984

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
1. Which of the following statements is/are true?
a. Most vehicle crashes could be prevented if drivers would abide with traffic laws and follow safe driving practices.
b. The words CRASH or COLLISION are used instead of ACCIDENT as the word accident describes an event that is caused by chance and is not avoidable
c. The purpose of this course is to review and increase the awareness of traffic laws and safe driving practices and to encourage you to abide by the laws and safe driving practices as well.
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: C
2. Which of the following statements is/are true?
a. Knowing traffic laws is more important than abiding with these laws.
b. The word ACCIDENT is used by safety instructors to describe events where lives are lost due to the failure to abide with laws and safe driving practices.
c. The purpose of this course is to review and increase the awareness of traffic laws and safe driving practices and to encourage you to abide by the laws and safe driving practices as well.
d. All of the above

Wrong! Your answer was: Blank The correct answer is: B
3. If a driver has a BAL that is lower than .08, that driver can not be convicted of driving under the influence.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
4. If you are able to reduce your speed by half before crashing into a concrete post, the kinetic energy experienced in the crash will be reduced by four times.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
5. If a collision is imminent, instead of freezing at the wheel, drivers should consider the following:
a. Take evasive action to avoid a head on collision with another vehicle or fixed object
b. Brake to slow your vehicle, if you cut your speed in half, collision forces will be reduced four times.
c. If you have a choice, it is best to hit something that will give a little as you hit it
d. All of the above

Wrong! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: D
6. Seat belts have which of the following benefits?
a. Distribute forces over strongest parts of the body, hips and chest and shoulders
b. Safety belts help air bags to function properly
c. Safety belts reduce possible injury associated with airbag deployment
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
7. When driving, where should you focus most of your attention?
a. Ahead of your vehicle
b. To the sides to include your blind spots
c. To the rear, especially when you are being tailgated
d. At your speedometer

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
8. Scanning ahead will help the defensive driver to identify the following potential dangers:
a. Upcoming traffic congestion and vehicles ahead that are changing direction and speed and are stopping
b. Upcoming intersection or a car waiting to cross at an upcoming intersection
c. Pedestrians or children playing near highway or a bicyclist riding along the roadway
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
9. To become more aware of the location of the blind spots to the sides and rear of your vehicle you can try the following:
a. Practice checking your blind spots when driving in heavy, high speed traffic.
b. Locate your blind spots when you are safely stopped at a traffic light.
c. Drive in the blind spots of other vehicles to see if the drivers of those vehicles will change lanes without first checking to make sure their blind spot is clear.
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
10. Following two seconds back applies when driving at lower speeds and with good weather and road conditions. If weather and road conditions are not good or if traveling at higher speeds, add additional following distance. Which of the following are true?
a. Follow back 3-4 or more seconds if driving at night and farther back if the road is wet
b. Follow back 3-4 or more seconds if following behind a vehicle that blocks your forward visibility
c. Follow back 3-4 or more seconds if driving at highway speeds
d. All of the above

Wrong! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: B
11. If someone tailgates your vehicle:
a. Get angry at the tailgater
b. Make sure you are not tailgating as well
c. Pump your brakes
d. Slow down suddenly to teach the tailgater a lesson and get him to back off

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
12. In Florida it is legal to pass on the right if you are traveling on a road with two or more lanes going in the same direction, but it is not that safe because passing on the right is less expected and the driver you are passing may not check the blind spot to his right before moving back to the right lane.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
13. During hydroplaning, water builds up between your tires and the road surface causing your tires to ride on a thin layer of water and at this point you will lose control of your vehicle. This will only occur if there are at least several inches of water on the roadway.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
14. Hydroplaning can occur if you are driving too fast when there is standing water on the roadway.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
15. For skidding to occur, the road must be wet or icy.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
16. If your left front tire blows out, your vehicle may pull into oncoming traffic and if the right front tire blows, your vehicle may pull you off the road to the right. If a rear tire blows out, your vehicle may fishtail and cause loss of control.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
17. After passing a large vehicle, it is a good idea to wait until you can see the entire front of the vehicle in your rearview mirror before moving back into vehicle’s lane and do not immediately slow down in front of the large vehicle once the pass is complete.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
18. You must use turn signals when turning left or right but not when changing lanes.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
19. If you have a Florida driver license, you are legal to operate a motorcycle.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
20. In a school zone, you can be ticketed for driving one mile per hour over the speed limit.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
21. It takes more than one drink to affect judgment and skill.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
22. Many Americans believe that marijuana use should be legalized and studies show that marijuana use has little negative impact on a person’s ability to drive safely.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
23. If convicted of DUI, you could be sent to jail or placed on probation.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
24. Drinking alcohol has the following negative impacts:
a. Judgment is degraded
b. Even if BAL is very low, reaction time and visual function are impaired
c. BAL levels of .02 degrade functioning and can be reached by consuming a single drink
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
25. Which of the following is/are true regarding use of seatbelts?
a. Seatbelts work properly even if your seat is reclined or you are slouching in your seat
b. Safety belts must be worn even if your vehicle is equipped with air bags
c. If your car is crowded, it is OK to restrain more than one person in a seatbelt
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
26. Which of the following is/are true regarding use of seat belts?
a. Seat belts prevent vehicle occupants from being thrown against parts of the vehicle in a crash
b. Seat belts are designed to work properly even if you recline or slouch in your seat
c. If your vehicle has airbags, you are not required to wear seat belts
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
27. Drivers should adjust seating to allow at least ____ inches of space between the steering wheel and the chest of the driver.
a. four
b. six
c. eight
d. ten

Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
28. Even though a driver does not wear safety belts, most of the time his young passengers will be properly secured.
a. True
b. False
Wrong! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: D
29. If you need to take your eyes off the roadway which of the following is/are true?
a. If you must accomplish a distracting activity when driving, try not to look away from the road ahead for more than about a second.
b. If you are approaching a dangerous situation ahead, try not to become distracted and don’t impulsively look away from the road ahead
c. If you look away from the roadway, you need to have your mental one second counter running.
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
30. Which of the following statements regarding emotions is/are true?
a. Drivers can reduce emotional stress by getting angry at other drivers for their mistakes
b. Emotions like anger, grief, anxiety, worry, excitement, fear, and depression can upset and distract a driver
c. The way a driver perceives and processes information is not affected by emotional distress
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: C
31. Having an appropriate attitude about driving would include which of the following?
a. Using a hands free cell phone
b. Driving a few miles home after consuming a beer or two
c. Not driving if suffering from stress, fatigue and/or emotional upset
d. All of the above

Wrong! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: D
32. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
a. Distraction is a major factor in vehicle crashes
b. Recent studies indicate that distraction may be a bigger factor than previously thought.
c. Distractions include visual and mental activity that take the driver’s eyes and mind off the task of driving.
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: C
33. Which of the following offenses scores the most points against your driving record?
a. Not stopping at a stop sign
b. Following too close
c. Unlawful speed resulting in a crash
d. Littering

Correct! Your answer was: B The correct answer is: B
34. It is permissible to roll slowly past a stop sign as long as the driver uses extreme caution and ensures that the intersection is clear of pedestrians and oncoming vehicles that pose a collision risk.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
35. Which of the following is/are examples of regulatory signs that must be obeyed?
a. No Turn signs
b. No Parking signs
c. Keep Off Median signs
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
36. If you are driving in a business or residential area and there are no posted speed limits, you may drive no faster than 30 miles per hour unless the county or municipality has a lower speed limit for non-posted areas.
a. True
b. False
Correct! Your answer was: C The correct answer is: C
37. Some vehicles must stop at all railroad tracks, even if a train is not coming or if signal lights are not flashing or gates are not being lowered. Which of the following vehicles would NOT have to stop at all railroad tracks?
a. School bus
b. Vehicles carrying passengers for hire (excluding taxi cabs)
c. Cars, pickups, SUVs
d. Vehicles carrying explosive substances or flammable liquids

Correct! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: D
38. Which of the following statements is/are true?
a. If a stopped school bus is displaying a stop signal, drivers moving in the same direction must stop until all children are clear of the roadway and the stop signal has been withdrawn
b. If painted lines on the roadway are used to separate opposite direction traffic, drivers moving in the opposite direction from a stopped school bus loading children must stop
c. School signs have 5 sides
d. All of the above

Correct! Your answer was: A The correct answer is: A
39. If a stopped school bus is displaying a stop signal, drivers approaching from the opposite direction, must stop unless traveling on a divided highway (raised median, barrier or unpaved space of at least 5 feet separating opposite direction traffic)
a. True
b. False
Wrong! Your answer was: D The correct answer is: B
40. Which of the following is/are true?
a. Check your brakes every 20,000 miles or every two years, whichever comes first.
b. If the brake warning light or anti-lock brake warning light illuminates, immediately have your brakes checked and repaired.
c. If your brake pedal does not stay well above the floor when you apply your brakes, you can compensate by sitting closer to the brake pedal.

d. All of the above

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